Always be clear to build

Visibility into your current, and future, inventory enables you to proactively identify gaps so you can consistently meet production targets.

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Reduced factory downtime due to unexpected inventory shortages

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Visibility into delivery dates from suppliers

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Maintain lean operations and inventory, even when scaling or adding new product lines

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 Leading manufacturers plan production with Factor

Factor has changed the way we manage our supply chain from reactive to proactive by enabling us to manage by exception. This has freed my team up to focus on strengthening vendor relationships and sourcing new vendors.

David Akman

Director of Manufacturing

Impactful results to optimize production 

Without Factor


Downtime when build capacity cannot be met


Lack of visibility into what's required to scale


Challenging to meet production demand


Lack of control over inventory


Tedious, manual supplier followup

With Factor

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Continuous factory uptime

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Scale build capacity without additional overhead

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Consistently meeting production demand

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Maintain a lean manufacturing operation

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Automated workflows to track purchase orders

Identify and resolve shortages before they block production

factor plan workflow involves planning and building

Integrates directly into your existing tech stack